Online Painting Workshop | 9th February 2021 | 18:00-20:30 | Book Now
This workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of using colour in portraits and figure studies.
You’ll learn how to identify the main three elements of colour and mix a wide range of colours using a very simple palette.
It is essential to understand these principles to avoid muddy, lifeless colour in your work.
The benefit of this class is that it’s limited to 8 students so that everyone gets plenty of individual feedback.
Workshop Outline
You’ll complete an exercise to explore tonal value, hue temperature and finally chroma, the painting term for colour intensiy.
You’ll then put this into practice by matching colours from a painting to see how the theory works in reality.
This will help you get to grips with the basics of colour mixing and give you a platform to work with more complex palettes.
Even with such a limited palette you can get a surprising range of colour and the small number of pigments allows you to concentrate on keeping the colour mixes simple and clean.
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What you’ll learn
- The three elements needed to identify and mix colour
- How to simplify and the spectrum into warm and cool colour families
- How to adjust the intensity of your colours
- How to organise your palette
Whether you’re looking to learn fundamental principles or brush up existing skills the workshop will have plenty to offer.
How it Works
The workshop will be done online using Zoom, after booking via Eventbrite you’ll be emailed some reference images and a link to the session.
You’ll need an internet connection and webcam and the following materials:
- Two pieces of primed canvas or canvas paper
- 2 Medium Bristle Brushes
- 1 House painting brush
- Turpentine, Odourless Mineral Spirits, Sansodor, Zest it or similar
- Cold Pressed Linseed Oil
- Painting Palette
- Dipping Cup
- Titanium White Oil Paint
- Ultramarine Blue Oil Paint
- Burnt Sienna Oil Paint
- Rags and Kitchen Roll
Essential Info & Booking
- Date: Tuesday 9th February 2021 | 18:00 – 20:30
- Location: Online via Zoom
- Price :£29
Questions: Use Contact Form above right or visit the Contact Page or email
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